High Wycombe & District Beekeepers’ Association is a thriving group of enthusiastic beekeepers from all walks of life founded in 1944 to promote bees and beekeeping. There are several classes of membership, why don’t you join us?
We hold monthly evening meetings with a visiting speaker at Trinity Church, London Road, High Wycombe. These meetings are open to all, so if you’re interested in taking up beekeeping or even just curious, why not come along?
For members, we also hold monthly “Developing your beekeeping” meetings, training courses, practical sessions at our own apiary, and specialist days of interest.

We give talks on beekeeping and make visits to local schools, youth groups and fetes. To arrange a visit Email schoolvisits@hwbka.co.uk .
We run a Beginners’ Beekeeping Course each Spring.

Swarm Collection Service: Read further information on how to identify a honey bee swarm. Contact us if you have a swarm of honey bees that you’d like quick, professional advice on.
In the summer, we hold an Open Day at our Training Apiary near Wycombe and a Beekeeping Taster Day for anyone (old and young) interested in learning more about the world of bees.

Association honey available at West Wycombe Village Store
We are affiliated to the Bucks County and the British Beekeeping Associations, which provide additional support and public liability insurance.