Saturday 24th September

Trinity United Reformed Church

High Wycombe HP11 1BJ


The Bucks County Honey Show is being hosted by HWBKA and is open to members of all four associations of the Bucks County BKA, There are 23 classes for entry, First place in certain categories can be entered into the Federation Cup an inter-county competition at the National Honey Show.



Doors open for entries 09:00 am Please complete an entry form and forward to HWBKA before the event if possible so that labels can be pre-written, and time saved on the day. Entry forms are available from the local associations or on request to, completed forms or details of entry can be sent by email to the same address.

Judging to start at 10:00 am

Tea, coffee and refreshments available from 10.00 am

Talks, quiz and demonstrations to commence from 10.30 am.

Raffle will be drawn at 2.00 pm

Trophies awarded at 2:30pm


The event will be held in the Trinity United Reformed Church,  There is a large Council “pay to park” car park accessed by an approach road to the side of the Church, the entrance to the approach road is just by the pedestrian crossing for Pann Mill and the Rye, Entries for the Honey Show should be taken to the rear (blue) door of the church, round to the left from the car park, the talks, member voted entries and refreshments will be in the Sanctuary of the Church, entry through the white doors off the approach road.